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Opening of LULL eFoil school

First news from our end? Opening of LULL eFoil school of course! We are in the full mode on people and are super excited that only weeks are distancing us from the go date!
Since the contract with Flite in Q3 2021 we have been cooking our plan and execution. Boards and equipment arrived, branding is done, web is getting polished, gmb is out already, van is just about to get the new look and our social media accounts will entertain you shortly ☺!
Why LULL name you ask?
Well, in surfer lingo the quite period between the two waves is called lull. As eFoil surfing on Fliteboard requires no wind and no waves, this quite period actually becomes a great representation of an activity of Fliteboarding. The feel of flight over the water, the calmness, serenity & enjoinment all match with what we want to offer to all our riders thus LULL was our prefect selection. Thanks FABULA team!
See you soon at our location!